DraftMyDocuments helps businesses with any legal documents. India's 1st made order document service exclusively focuses on making legal customized documents for your business affordable for everyone.
At DraftMyDocuments, all the documents are drafted by highly trusted, reputable, and trained lawyers as per the client's needs. It serves all industries and firms. Right from finance, healthcare, education, or sales, the versatile lawyers at DraftMyDocuments help you with any of your business documents.
It is capable enough to match all your business needs. The aim is to make the life of entrepreneurs & business owners hassle-free, rewarding. From proposals and agreements to HR documents and even calculators, DraftMyDocuments is flexible enough to meet the needs of your business.
Traditional legal firms produce boring, lusterless, and borderline unprofessional docs that send the wrong message to the clients, prospects, and customers. Many times one needs to do multiple follow-ups to get documents drafted by them.
DraftMyDocuments is built with feedback from thousands of customers who wanted a quick, reliable, and affordable legal documentation service. It is mainly targeted towards SMEs, Startups, Freelancers, and Small business owners who cannot afford a lawyer or a law firm but still want to protect their businesses legally.
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